为加强编辑队伍建设,构建学习型编辑部,帮助从业人员开展自学活动,推动编辑人员整体素质的提高,从第7期开始,我刊特辟版面开展有奖答题活动。感兴趣的读者可于即日起到12月30日登录《科技与出版》杂志官方网站(www.kjycb.com)下载试题参与该活动,并将答案发送至[email protected]。连续6期得到80分及以上者,均可免费获赠2015年全年期刊;连续6期得到60分及以上者,均可获得5折优惠订刊奖励!快来参加吧!
In order to strengthen the editorial team building, build a learning editorial department to help practitioners carry out self-learning activities to promote the overall quality of editors improve, starting from the seventh period, I published a special edition to carry out a prize-winning activities. Interested readers can log on to the official website of Science and Technology Press (www.kjycb.com) to participate in the event from now until December 30, and send the answer to [email protected]. Get 6 points in a row for 80 points or more, all receive free year 2015 annual journals; 6 consecutive get 60 points and above, get 50% off discount! Come and join!