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从这一期开始,我们将以《FS2002》这款游戏中的赛斯纳172型飞机为基础,介绍基本的飞行模拟技术。这部分内容虽然是介绍民用飞机的飞行模拟技术,但是它的基本原理也可以运用到其他的飞行模拟游戏。要成为一个模拟飞行驾驶员,并不需要精通空气动力学,但是需要了解基本的航空知识,进而逐渐深入了解和飞行有关的方方面面的知识。第一课我们先从飞机在飞行中所受的4个力讲起。 Starting from this issue, we will build on the Cessna 172 in the FS2002 game and introduce basic flight simulation techniques. Although this part of the introduction of civil aircraft flight simulation technology, but its basic principles can also be applied to other flight simulation games. To be a simulated flight pilot does not need to be proficient in aerodynamics, but requires basic aviation knowledge to gain insight into all aspects of flight-related knowledge. First lesson Let’s start with the four forces the aircraft suffered in flight.
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