2004年12月7日,中国迄 今为止在境外设立的最大的商品贸 易平台一中国商品(迪拜)分拨中 心(因外形似龙,又称龙型商城) 在迪拜阿瓦尔区隆重开业。这是迄 今为止中国在境外建立的规模最大 的商品分拨中心,其目标是吸引约 3000家中国公司入驻。 中国商品(迪拜)分拨中心建 在距迪拜市中心20公里处的南郊, 是迪拜酋长国政府决定上马的面积 达8平方公里的“国际城”的一个 组成部分。
On December 7, 2004, China’s largest commodity trading platform, the China Commodity Distribution Center (Dubai), the largest commodity trading platform established overseas so far, was opened grandly in Dubai’s Aval district. This is by far China’s largest overseas distribution center set up overseas with the goal of attracting about 3,000 Chinese companies. The Chinese goods (Dubai) distribution center is located on the southern outskirts 20 kilometers from the center of Dubai and is an integral part of the “International City” that the Emirate of Dubai has decided to launch, covering an area of 8 square kilometers.