Xin’anjiang Hydropower Plant is a power generation-based multi-year regulation reservoir with a drainage area of 10,442 square kilometers and a storage capacity of 17.84 billion cubic meters. The normal high water level is 108 meters elevation, flood season limit water level is 106.5 meters, the total installed capacity of 66.25 million kilowatts. After the power station was built in April 1960, a pilot flood discharge was conducted in July 1966, when the reservoir water level was 103 meters and the discharge volume was 1560 seconds. Since the spring and summer of this year, the climate has become an anomaly and rainfall has been concentrated. From January to June, the total rainfall has reached 1,467 millimeters with a water volume of 114.88 cubic meters (up to one year of rainfall since 1954). On June 28, the water level in the reservoir has risen to 107.28 meters. Accordance with the design requirements from June 28 to July 15, has carried out two gate flood discharge, a total of 428 hours, a total of 2.678 billion flood discharge. The current situation of flood discharge this year is summarized as follows.