Impact of Semen Liquefaction and Viscosity on the Outcomes of in vitro Fertilization

来源 :Journal of Reproduction and Contraception | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:secretcode
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Objective To compare the outcomes of in vitro fertilization (IVF) and intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI) between semen liquefaction and viscosity with normal and abnormal. Methods Semen that liquefied within 60 min and normal viscosity was assigned to the normal group, while semen that unliquefied more than 60 min or high viscosity was assigned to abnormal group. Equal volumes of culture medium were added to abnormal group and normal control group, followed by repeated pipetting, to induce liquefaction. Sperm parameters, fertilization and cleavage rates, good-quality embryo rate, implantation rate and pregnancy rate were analyzed. Results The abnormal group ratio was much higher in the ICSI group (30.5%) than in the IVF group (21.9%) (P<0.05). The age of the husbands and total progressive motility (PR) sperm in abnormal IVF group were higher than those in normal IVF group (P<0.05). Fertilization rate (80.7%) in the abnormal IVF group was higher than that in the normal IVF group (75.6%) and normal control group (P<0.05). There were no differences in outcomes of the ICSI patients between the normal and abnormal groups. There was no difference between normal group and normal control group. Conclusion Equal volume of culture media was added to non-liquefied semen may be used to high viscosity and unliquefied semen, and may have a positive effect on fertilization outcomes. Objective To compare the outcomes of in vitro fertilization (IVF) and intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI) between semen liquefaction and viscosity with normal and abnormal. Methods Semen that liquefied within 60 min and normal viscosity was assigned to the normal group, while semen that unliquefied more than 60 min or high viscosity was assigned to abnormal group. Equal volumes of culture medium were added to abnormal group and normal control group, followed by repeated pipetting, to induce liquefaction. Sperm parameters, fertilization and cleavage rates, good-quality embryo rate Results The abnormal group ratio was much higher in the ICSI group (30.5%) than in the IVF group (21.9%) (P <0.05). The age of the husbands and total progressive motility ( PR) sperm in abnormal IVF group were higher than those in normal IVF group (P <0.05). Fertilization rate (80.7%) in the abnormal IVF group was higher than that in the normal IVF group There were no differences in outcomes of the ICSI patients between the normal and abnormal groups. There was no difference between normal group and normal control group. Conclusion Equal volume of culture media was added to non-liquefied semen may be used to high viscosity and unliquefied semen, and may have a positive effect on fertilization outcomes.
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