人际交往 ,也称沟通。是社会心理学的一个中心概念 ,把它引入教育心理学 ,为传递信息、沟通思想和交流情感的联系过程。由于人际交往具有直接性、对称性和易反馈性 ,所以它是人与人联系的最重要的途径。这里主要就学校师生之间的人际交往谈自己的看法 ,学校既是学生学习知识的?
Interpersonal communication is also called communication. It is a central concept of social psychology. It is introduced into educational psychology and is a process of communicating information, communicating ideas, and communicating emotions. Because interpersonal communication has directness, symmetry, and feedback, it is the most important way for people to connect with people. Here, we mainly discuss our views on the interpersonal communication between teachers and students in schools. Is the school learning knowledge?