论文标题作者~1作者~2(1.作者详细单位,省市邮编;2.作者详细单位,省市邮编)(同一单位只写一个)摘要:摘要应是全文的要点,力求客观,应避免自我评价性语言(200字左右)。关键词:(3~5个,各词间用分号“;”隔开)[中图分类号]查阅《中国图书馆分类法》。正文层次格式:1.大标题(即一级标题)按1、2、3、……顺序编号,二级标题使用1.1、1.2、1.3、……,三级标题使用1.1.1、1.1.2、1.1.3、……,一般单独占一行。2.文内所引参考文献要求夹注,在引文后加括号注明作者和姓名(英文只注姓)、出版年,例如:(王佐良1982)或(Newmark 1988)。
Author (s) Author (s) Author (s) Author (s) Author (s) Author (s) Author (s) Author Title Description Author Self-assessment of language (200 words or so). Key words: (3-5, separated by semicolons “; ”) [CLC] See “Chinese Library Classification.” Hierarchy format: 1. Headlines (ie, a headline) numbered 1, 2, 3, ..., the two headings 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, ..., the three headings 1.1.1, 1.1.2 , 1.1.3, ......, generally alone accounted for his party. 2. References cited in the text are required to be pinpointed, followed by brackets after the quotation, with the author and name (English only), year of publication, eg: (Wang Zuoliang 1982) or (Newmark 1988).