A Study on Nida' s Theory——Misunderstandings Concerning Nida's Theory

来源 :安徽文学(下半月) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:buugly
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This paper argues that although Nida’s theory has its own weakness and limitations, thereare some misunderstandings and misconceptions concerning Nida’s theory. The first part is a brief introduction of the three phases of Nida’s theory in China. The second part deals with some criticisms and denials of Nida’s theory and the third part discusses some misunderstandings con- cerning Nida’s theory. And, the last part draws a conclusion that the study of Nida’s theory in China is not adequate and some objections to his theory cannot be justified. This paper argues that although Nida’s theory has its own weakness and limitations, thereare some misunderstandings and misconceptions concerning Nida’s theory. The first part is a brief introduction of the three phases of Nida’s theory in China. The second part deals with some criticisms and denials of Nida’s theory and the third part discusses some misunderstandings con- cerning Nida’s theory. And, the last part draws a conclusion that the study of Nida’s theory in China is not adequate and some objections to his theory can not be justified.
从意义和语音两个方面出发 ,考察佛经《大正藏》中有关“野马”的用例 ,又结合一些先贤已经揭示出来的汉语现象 ,论证了“野马”本义是水汽 ,它的原始形式是“焰”。它还有一
[摘要]项目教学能激发学生的学习积极性,挖掘学生的潜能,提高解决问题的能力,突出个性。但在具体实施中带来了如何让学生整体进步又兼顾学生间的差异性的棘手问题,笔者以服装专业为例简单介绍在项目教学实施中求同存异的方法。以期更接近理想的因材施教。  [关键词]中职服装专业 项目教学 差异教学    项目教学是通过实施一个完整的项目而进行的教学活动,其目的是在教学中把理论与实践有机地结合起来,师生互动,激
Charlotte applied an orphan’s story to reflect British women’s miserable situation, and also express their strong de- sires, which they wanted to break away f
[摘要]在职业教育课程改革的大形势下,专业课程的位置被提到了一个新的高度,这是无可非议的,但是包括语文在内的文化课是否从此就失去了它应有的作用,成为当前职业中学课程中可有可无的“鸡肋”呢?学生需要什么样的语文.我们语文老师又该为他们做些什么,如何改变目前语文教学的尴尬现状,这些都值得大家深思。  [关键词]职业中学 语文学习 调查反思    随着各地职业学校课程改革的进一步深入,怎样使语文这门最重