长期以来,评价花生施肥效果的报道很少。为此,本文试图综合我们近几年的试验结果,探讨施用氮、磷、钾对花生产量和质量上的作用。试验共计25处,分别设在本省惠阳、四会、高州、南海、梅县等地。春植花生,前作为晚稻。土壤肥力中等,质地多属沙壤土,速效磷含量(碳酸氢钠法)10—81ppm,平均47ppm;速效钾含量(中性醋酸铵法)25—115ppm,平均64ppm。这些试验地的土壤养分状况,基本上能代表本省的特点。(一)花生施用氮、磷、钾的增产效果1986—1988年15处春植花生试验,采用低氮高磷、钾的比例,亩施 N2.3、P_2O_53.6、K_2O3.6公斤。平均亩产荚果272.9公斤,与不施肥
For a long time, there have been few reports on the evaluation of peanut fertilization effect. To this end, this article attempts to synthesize our experimental results in recent years to explore the application of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium on the yield and quality of the role. A total of 25 tests, were located in the province of Huiyang, Sihui, Gaozhou, Nanhai, Meixian and other places. Spring peanuts, before as late rice. Medium soil fertility, mostly sandy loam texture, available phosphorus content (sodium bicarbonate method) 10-81ppm, an average of 47ppm; available potassium content (neutral ammonium acetate method) 25-115ppm, an average of 64ppm. The soil nutrients in these experimental areas can basically represent the characteristics of the province. (I) Production of N, P and K from Peanut The yield of 15 peanuts from 1986 to 1988 was tested with low N, P and K ratios and N 2, P 2 O 53.6 and K 2 O 3, 6 kg per mu. The average yield per pod 272.9 kg, with no fertilizer