据有关方面统计,军队近年来发生的泄密事件中,属于过失泄密性质的占了相当大的比例,需要每个军人引起高度重视。 军人过失泄密的成因概括起来主要有四种: 一是“与己无关”的片面认识导致泄密。有的同志以为保密工作是领导干部、高级机关以及保卫、
According to relevant statistics, a large proportion of the leaks that have occurred in recent years have occurred in the army. The military personnel are required to attach great importance to this area. There are mainly four kinds of causes of the crime of negligent leaks by the military: First, one-sided understanding of “having no connection with oneself” has led to the disclosure of secrets. Some comrades think that confidential work is a leading cadre, an organ of high rank, and a guard,