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震惊中外的台儿庄战役,是抗战以来国民党正面战场取得的第一次伟大胜利.号称日本“皇军”中最优秀的坂垣、矶谷两师团之主力几乎被摧毁,打破了日军“不可战胜”的神话,打击了日本侵略军的嚣张气焰,大大鼓舞了中国军民的抗战士气.鉴于台儿庄战役在国内外的影响,对其胜利的原因曾引起国内外众多知名人士和学者去分析、研究和探讨.在国民党方面最有权威性的说法莫过于李宗仁先生在《台儿庄之战》一文中总结的四点:(一)31军在津浦南段运用的得宜,使我在鲁南战场有从容部署的机会.(二)庞炳勋部与张自忠部密切合作下的临沂之捷,成为台儿庄胜利的先决条件.(三)违背统帅部的意旨,拒绝将长官部迁离徐州,有利于运动和指挥.(四)日军孤军深入,犯下了“骄兵必败”的大忌.以上各点,固然是台儿庄战役胜利的原因,但忽略了一个重要因素,这就是中国共产党在台儿庄战役中的地位和作用.在国内一些作品中,也 The battle of Taierzhuang, which shocked both at home and abroad, was the first great victory made by the Kuomintang frontal battlefield since the War of Resistance Against Japan’s “Imperial Army.” It claimed that the main force of the best Sakagaki and Diogang divisions in Japan’s “Imperial Army” was almost destroyed, The myth of “invincible” has dealt a blow to the arrogance of the Japanese aggressors and greatly encouraged the militarism of the Chinese soldiers and civilians. In view of the influence of the Taierzhuang Campaign both at home and abroad, the reasons for its victory have caused many famous individuals and scholars at home and abroad to go Analysis, study and discussion of the Kuomintang is the most authoritative statement in the Kuomintang than Mr. Li Tsung-jen in the “Battle of Taierzhuang,” a summary of the four points: (a) 31 Army in the southern section of Tianjin Pu appropriate use, so I in Lunan (2) The prerequisite for the victory of Taierzhuang under the close cooperation of Pang Bing-Hsun and Zhang Zizhong, as a prerequisite for the victory of Taierzhuang. (3) The move against the will of the commander-in-chief to refuse the removal of the Minister from Xuzhou would be beneficial to the movement And directing (D) Japanese troops alone, in guilty of “arrogance defeat ” taboo.The above points, of course, is the reason for the victory of Taierzhuang campaign, but overlooked an important factor, this is the Chinese Communist Party In the Taierzhuang campaign status and role in some works in China, too
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