所有时代最令人眩目的音乐超人——帕格尼尼,这位意大利小提琴演奏家和作曲家,令所有听到他音乐的人都惊异不已。帕格尼尼颠覆了人们对音乐的传统认识。他惊人的技巧带给观众狂潮般的兴奋早已成为众所周知的事实。“我不敢相信竟然可以演奏出这样的声音!”德国伟大的诗人海因里希·莱尔斯塔伯(Heinrich Rellstab)1829年听了帕格尼尼在柏林的首演之后感叹道,“他诉说,他流泪,他歌唱!帕格尼尼是欲望、高傲、癫狂和痛楚的化身”。柏辽兹把这位意大利奇才的冲击力比作燃烧的彗星,
Paganini, the most dazzling musical superhero of all ages, the Italian violinist and composer, amazes all who hear his music. Paganini subverts people’s traditional understanding of music. The excitement that his amazing tricks bring to the audience has become a well-known fact. “I can not believe it!” Heinrich Rellstab, Germany’s great poet, exclaimed after listening to Paganini’s debut in Berlin in 1829 “He tells him he shed tears and he sings! Paganini is the embodiment of desire, arrogance, madness and pain.” Berlioz compared the impact of the Italian Wizards to a burning comet,