本刊讯 1984年10月7日,香港成立了“工人健康中心”。香港各工会和劳工团体都派代表参加了开幕剪彩仪式。该中心将为香港各工会提供全面的职业健康服务。欲参加的工会只需填好表格并每年交港币100元后,其属下会员就能得到各种特价或免费服务。包括医疗、健康教育、预防性指导、资料提供及职业健康咨询。该中心还将与各工会合作,调查各行业工人健康状况及工作环境卫生问题。
Our correspondent October 7, 1984, Hong Kong set up a “Workers Health Center.” All trade unions and labor organizations in Hong Kong sent representatives to attend the opening ribbon-cutting ceremony. The center will provide a full range of occupational health services to all trade unions in Hong Kong. To join the union simply fill in the form and pay HK $ 100 a year, its members can get a variety of special or free services. Including medical care, health education, preventive instruction, information provision and occupational health counseling. The center will also work with the trade unions to investigate the health status of workers in various trades and the work environment and sanitation.