Live 蔸 tillering stage - early tillering fertilizer, mainly shallow water. 3 days after transplanting can be topdressing, for the first time every 667 square meters of urea 6 ~ 7.5 kg, every 7 days, according to Miao, poor growth plots, and then every 667 square meters of urea 4 kg; Fewer organic fertilizer and potassium field, should be applied potassium per 667 square meters 5 to 7.5 kg. To adhere to shallow droughts, as far as possible so that the Department of transmissible light base to promote healthy root development and enhance the ability to absorb fat to facilitate early tillering and increase tillering rate. Irrigation depth, usually 3 to 5 cm, in this context, rainy weather should be shallow, high temperature and drought weather should be deep.