1.贷款的规模。在其它条件相同的条件下,如果一个人举债越多,那么他难以偿还贷款的可能性也就越大。 2.借款人的纯收入水平。财产多、收入高的大农户往往比小的、贫困的农户能得到较多的贷款,这在发展中国家似乎已成了一种惯例。如果通过信贷资金的使用能做到其纯收益的增长快于贷款成本的增长,那么借款者的偿还能力自然会得到相应的增加。可见,借款者纯收益的增加与其偿还水平的提高之间存在一种正相关系,尽管这种关系的密切程度并不总象人们所期望得那样高。因此,在贷款增加和其纯收益也增加的情况下,其贷款违约率是有可能降低的。由于不愿偿还贷款的毕竟是个别现象,所以违约率的降低基本取决于偿还能力的大小。
The size of the loan Under other conditions the same, if one person more debt, then he is more likely to repay the loan more likely. The borrower’s net income level. Larger and higher-income largeholders often receive more loans than smaller, poorer farmers, something that seems to be a practice in developing countries. If the use of credit funds can make its net income faster than the growth of loan costs, the solvency of borrowers will naturally increase accordingly. It can be seen that there is a positive correlation between the increase in the net income of borrowers and the increase in their repayment level, although this relationship is not always as relevant as one might expect. As a result, the loan default rate is likely to decrease as the loan increases and its net income increases. Since unwillingness to repay loans is an individual phenomenon after all, the reduction of the default rate basically depends on the size of the solvency.