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鉴于传统教育的弊端,新课程的理念被提上了议事日程。于是,在新课程的实施推广中,什么是传统教学中的糟粕应该摒弃,什么是传统教学中的精华应该保留就成了问题。其实,这种情况在历次改革中都要面对。陶行知先生在《我们对于新学制草案应持之态度》中说得很好:“我们应当用科学的方法、态度,考虑社会个人之需要能力,和各种生活事业必不可少之基础准备,修正出一个适用的学制。至于外国的经验,如有适用的,采取他; In view of the drawbacks of traditional education, the concept of the new curriculum was put on the agenda. Therefore, in the implementation of the new curriculum, what is the dross in traditional teaching should be abandoned, what is the essence of traditional teaching should be retained as a problem. In fact, this situation has to be faced in all previous reforms. Mr. Tao Xingzhi made a very good point in “Our Attitude Towards the New Academic Structure Draft”: "We should use scientific methods and attitudes, consider the needs of individual societies, and prepare the foundations necessary for various life projects. Amendment of a suitable schooling system. As for foreign experience, if applicable, adopt him;
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