这是一个响亮的名字,在人们的心中久久激荡;这是一处神奇的地方,让人们依依留恋时时神往;这是镶嵌在广袤中原上的一方翡翠,玉洁冰清;这是闪耀在千里淮河上的一颗明珠,熠熠生辉,灿灿煌煌;这就是千百万治淮人心目中的自豪和骄傲——复建一新的石漫滩水库。 1998年元月8日,是所有石漫滩复建工程建设者的盛大节日。雪后乍晴,冬日的阳光格外灿烂。中原大地,红妆素裹,分外妖烧。石漫滩水库巍然屹立的碾压混凝土大坝顶上,数百面彩旗迎风招展,十几只五彩缤纷的氢气大彩
This is a loud name, in the hearts of people a long time stirring; This is a magical place, so that people reluctantly nostalgia; This is embedded in the Central Plains on the side of a jade, jade clean; This is shining in the Trinidad Huaihe A pearl, sparkling, brilliant; this is the pride and pride of millions of Huai people in mind - the restoration of a new Shi Mantan reservoir. On January 8, 1998, it was a grand festival for all the constructors of the Shihupan Reconstruction Project. After snow first clear, the winter sun is exceptionally bright. Central Plains, red makeup wrapped, exceptionally demon burning. Shiranan reservoir standing towering RCC top of the dam, hundreds of banners fluttering in the wind, more than a dozen colorful hydrogen color