Impact of utility-scale solar photovoltaic array on the aeolian sediment transport in Hobq Desert, C

来源 :干旱区科学 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:ghostbyte
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Deserts are ideal places to develop ground-mounted large-scale solar photovoltaic (PV) power station. Unfortunately, solar energy production, operation, and maintenance are affected by geomorphological changes caused by surface erosion that may occur after the construction of the solar PV power station. In order to avoid damage to a solar PV power station in sandy areas, it is necessary to investigate the characteristics of wind-sand movement under the interference of solar PV array. The study was undertaken by measuring sediment transport of different wind directions above shifting dunes and three observation sites around the PV panels in the Hobq Desert, China. The results showed that the two-parameter exponential function provides better fit for the measured flux density profiles to the near-surface of solar PV array. However, the saltation height of sand particles changes with the intersection angle between the solar PV array and wind direction exceed 45°. The sediment transport rate above shifting dunes was always the greatest, while that around the test PV panels varied accordingly to the wind direction. Moreover, the aeolian sediment transport on the solar PV array was significantly affected by wind direction. The value of sand inhibition rate ranged from 35.46% to 88.51% at different wind directions. When the intersection angle exceeds 45°, the mean value of sediment transport rate above the solar PV array reduces to 82.58% compared with the shifting dunes. The results of our study expand our understanding of the formation and evolution of aeolian geomorphology at the solar PV footprint. This will facilitate the design and control engineering plans for solar PV array in sandy areas that operate according to the wind regime.
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从2011年12月7日,在《金陵十三钗》北美洛杉矶点映礼上第一次公开亮相至今,倪妮顶着“谋女郎”的光环出道已整整两年。  关于恩师张艺谋,关于“谋女郎”的称号,关于未来发展方向……关于这些大家急切想知道的秘密,倪妮向本刊记者敞开了心扉——  关于张艺谋  “我不会什么事儿都打扰恩师”  网友疑问  “就算倪妮下一部电影不与我合作,我也会为她把关。”2011年年底,《金陵十三钗》宣传时,张艺谋有过这
疱疹病毒科(herpesviridae)是一类中等大小、有包膜的DNA病毒,广泛分布于自然界中。在已发现的超过100种的疱疹病毒中,仅有8种能够感染人类,被称为人类疱疹病毒(human herpes virus,HHV)。HHV呈全球性分布,在一生中约90%的人会被感染,导致皮肤、黏膜以及神经组织受到轻重不一的影响。现就8种HHV的分子流行病学特点及分布做简要综述。