我院1985~1989年复苏成功7例心脏骤停患者。现就心脏骤停的抢救时机、程序及用药等问题作一分析,并对室颤的有关处理作重点总结。1 病历简介1.1 例1.女,39岁,以风心病、联合瓣膜病、心功能不全、风湿活动入院。心电图示:Ⅱ°~Ⅲ°AVB、频发室早、室速、室颤,经电除颤2次,心脏复跳。静点利多卡因注射液1mg/min维持,以后又分别出现两次心脏停搏,立即拳击心前区,心脏按压,静脉给利多卡因后1min恢复心跳,心电图示Ⅲ°AVB。给激素等抗风湿
Our hospital recovered from 1985 to 1989, seven cases of successful cardiac arrest patients. The cardiac arrest is the timing of the rescue, procedures and medication for an analysis of the relevant treatment of ventricular fibrillation and make a summary. 1 medical records 1.1 cases 1. Female, 39 years old, with rheumatic heart disease, joint valvular disease, cardiac insufficiency, rheumatoid activity admission. ECG shows: Ⅱ ° ~ Ⅲ ° AVB, frequency of room early, ventricular tachycardia, ventricular fibrillation, after defibrillation 2 times, heart resuscitation. Static lidocaine injection 1mg / min to maintain, and later appeared in two cardiac arrest, and immediately boxing precordial, heart pressure, intravenous lidocaine 1min after the resumption of heartbeat, ECG showed Ⅲ ° AVB. Give hormones and other anti-rheumatic