去年,福特等一些汽车制造商都宣布它们将在未来的几年内把其油耗较高的多功能运动型轿车的单位燃油行驶里程数提高25%。在欧洲、加利福尼亚和美国的其它地方都有新的排放法规不断出台。这就需要开发出新的关键技术,以满足那些排放法规的要求。 汽油直喷燃烧技术(GDI)就能够将内燃机的燃料效率提高20%。这一新技术的基础技术的应用起源于30年代,但长
Last year, some car manufacturers, such as Ford, announced they will increase their unit mileage for multi-sport sports cars by 25% over the next few years. In Europe, California and other parts of the United States have introduced new emission regulations. This requires the development of new key technologies to meet the requirements of those emission regulations. Gas Direct Injection (GDI) can increase the fuel efficiency of internal combustion engines by 20%. The application of the basic technology of this new technology originated in the 1930s, but long