目的探讨瘢痕子宫中期妊娠引产子宫破裂的抢救和护理措施。方法 2008年5月,我院收入一名瘢痕子宫中期妊娠患者,要求引产,分娩时发生子宫破裂,经及时发现并抢救成功,对于护理方面,重点是引产宫缩时要严密观察患者宫缩进展情况,做好术前准备,术后作好生命体征监测、伤口护理、抗感染等护理工作。结果本组患者由于及时发现子宫破裂,立即行破腹探查术,挽救了患者生命。结论对于有瘢痕子宫或宫外伤等因素的产妇分娩时要严密观察产妇宫缩情况和生命体征变化情况。当出现先兆子宫破裂症状时,要及时处理,以免发生不良后果。
Objective To investigate the rescue and nursing measures of uterine rupture induced by mid-term pregnancy of scar uterus. Methods In May 2008, our hospital income of a hypertrophic scar pregnancy in patients with uterine pregnancy, requiring induction of labor, uterine rupture during childbirth, timely detection and rescue success, for nursing, the focus is to observe the contractions progress of patients with uterine contractions Situation, good preoperative preparation, postoperative vital signs monitoring, wound care, anti-infectives and other nursing work. The results of this group of patients due to the timely detection of uterine rupture, immediately broken line exploration, saving the lives of patients. Conclusion For maternal uterine or uterine trauma and other factors of childbirth should be closely observed maternal contraction and changes in vital signs. When symptoms of threatened uterine rupture, to be promptly handled, so as to avoid adverse consequences.