2012上半年,广东省港口生产总体继续增长,但增长进一步趋缓。一、港口生产总体保持增长上半年,全省港口完成货物吞吐量6.53亿t(快速统计数,以下同),其中完成外贸货物吞吐量2.34亿t,完成集装箱量2 266.67万TEU,同比分别增长6.55%、11.4%和5.47%。沿海港口完成货物吞吐量,其中外贸货物吞吐量和集装箱量分别为5.8亿t、2.2亿t和2 024.67万TEU,同比分别增长
In the first half of 2012, overall port production in Guangdong continued to grow, but growth slowed even further. I. Overall port production growth In the first half of the year, the port throughput of the province reached 653 million tons (rapid statistics, the same below), of which 234 million tons of foreign trade goods were completed and 22.6667 million TEUs of container containers were completed, increasing respectively year-on-year 6.55%, 11.4% and 5.47%. Coastal ports to complete the cargo throughput, of which foreign trade cargo throughput and container volume were 580 million t, 220 million t and 20,246,700 TEU, respectively, year on year growth