本·范·伯克尔,UNStudio联合创始人兼首席建筑师哈佛大学设计研究生院丹下健三荣誉讲席教授法兰克福国立美术学院建筑设计教授BEN VAN BERKEL.Co-Founder/Principal A rchitect UNStudio Kenzo Tange Chair at Harvard University Graduate School of Design.Cambridge Professor Conceptual Design at St(a|¨)delschuleFrankfurt简历本·范·伯克尔曾在阿姆斯特丹特维德艺术学院和伦敦建筑联盟学院(AA)研修建筑专业,于1987年以优异成绩毕业于英国建筑联盟学院。1988年,他与卡罗琳·博斯在阿姆斯特丹开办了一家建筑事务所。Van Berkel & Bos Archltectuurbureau完成了Karbouw写字楼、鹿特丹的Erasmus大桥、奈梅亨的Het Valkhof博物馆、Moebius大厦及乌德勒支大学的NMR设施等项目。1998年,本·范·伯克尔与卡罗琳·博斯成立了一家新公司:UNStudio。UNStudio给自己的定位是建筑、城市开发及基础设施领域的专家网络。现
Ben Van Berkel, Co-Founder and Chief Architect, UNStudio Harvard Graduate School of Design, Honorary Professor Kenzo Tange, Professor of Architectural Design, National Academy of Fine Arts, Frankfurt, Germany BEN VAN BERKEL.Co-Founder / Principal Architect, UNStudio Kenzo Tange Chair at Harvard University Graduate School of Design. Cambridge Professor Conceptual Design at Strasse (a | ¨) delschuleFrankfurt Biography Ben van Berkel studied construction at the Tverskord Art Institute in Amsterdam and the School Building Consortium (London) in 1987 Graduated with honors from the British Academy of Architecture. In 1988, he started an architectural firm with Caroline Boss in Amsterdam. Van Berkel & Bos Archltectuurbureau completed the Karbouw office building, the Erasmus bridge in Rotterdam, the Het Valkhof museum in Nijmegen, the Moebius building and the NMR facilities at Utrecht University. In 1998, Ben van Berkel and Caroline Boss set up a new company: UNStudio. UNStudio positions itself as an expert network in the fields of construction, urban development and infrastructure. Now