北京市汽车维修厂点目前已达5 000多家,全市汽车大修能力利用率仅48%,小修能力利用率仅75%,大量维修设备、维修人员闲置。可就在这种情况下,北京大昌合资汽车服务公司却是另外一种景象:车间里排满待修车辆,送修车仍源源不断而来。公司总经理“被迫”下令:腾出所有能存放车辆的场地存车;增加夜班,全力以赴抢修车辆;一定要精益求精,保证维修质量。
Beijing auto repair plant has now reached more than 5,000 points, the city’s vehicle overhaul capacity utilization rate of only 48%, only a small repair capacity utilization of 75%, a large number of maintenance equipment, maintenance personnel idle. But in this case, Beijing Dachang joint venture car service company is another kind of scene: the workshop full of vehicles to be repaired, repair car is still a steady stream. The general manager of the company was “forced” to order: freeing up all the cars that can be stored in the car; increase the night shift, go all out to repair the vehicle; must strive to ensure the quality of maintenance.