
来源 :中国经济史研究 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:houhx
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在影响粮价的几种因素中,货币由于是价格的表现手段,其制度变革及流通量的变化等对粮价的影响更为直接。文章对山西1736—1911年间以银计量粮价的整体特征,以及考虑货币变革因素后,以钱计量价格的变化特征进行分析。由于缺乏山西市场上货币实际流量与存量的数值,所以在将以银衡量的价格转变为以钱计量的价格时,将银钱比价和货币铸造的变化纳入考量。研究发现,清代山西省以银计量的粮食价格呈现出较为稳定的态势,但是考虑到清朝后期通货紧缩,粮食价格上涨的幅度实际上要比数据中显示的大。银钱兑换的变化一定程度上减轻了单一用银计量的粮食价格的波动,政府通过制钱的铸造及贬值来调节市场上粮食价格的变动,维持以银计量的粮食价格相对的稳定。后期随着货币制度的紊乱,大钱、宝钞的发行扰乱了市场交易,对民生产生了不利的影响。 Among the several factors that affect the grain price, the currency is a means of price performance. The impact of the change of the system and the liquidity on the price of grain is more direct. After analyzing the overall characteristics of grain price in Shanxi from 1736 to 1911 and the factors of currency reform, this paper analyzes the changing characteristics of the money measurement price. Due to the lack of numerical values ​​of the actual flows and stocks of money in the Shanxi market, the changes in the money-to-money ratio and currency casting are taken into consideration when converting silver-measured prices to money-measured prices. The study found that the price of foodstuffs measured by silver in Shanxi Province in Qing Dynasty showed a relatively steady trend. However, taking into account the deflation in the latter part of the Qing Dynasty, the price of grain actually rose more than the data showed. The change in the money exchange mitigated the fluctuations of the grain price measured by a single silver to a certain extent. The government adjusted the changes in the grain prices in the market through the casting and devaluation of the money making and maintained the relative stability of the grain prices measured in silver. Later, with the disorder of the monetary system, big money and the issuance of bank notes disrupted the market transactions, adversely affecting people’s livelihood.
【正】 王船山的生平事迹,纪载颇多,但仍有几个问题,学术界或阙而不谈,或叙述失实,或在看法上存在分歧。这些问题,有待参稽史乘特别是进行调查,以求得信而有征的合理解决。笔