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在这部小说里,主人公“我”通过文件结婚来到异国一个陌生的市镇,尽管在新家里能够真切地感受到丈夫的存在,甚至夜里在梦中与之相交,却从不曾见过他的正身,只能在梦交时将其想象为各种各样的男人,并于每天清晨醒来后享用丈夫早已准备好的早餐和几张钞票——当天的零用钱。在异质文化的氛围中,“我”无法与周围沟通,无法与人们交流,既不理解周围的各色人等,也不为他们所理解。“我”感到自己被从场所和人际关系中剥离了出来,只是一个无所依靠的孤立的存在,就如同失去了脚后跟面只能弓着腰行走一般。于是“我”决定改变这一切,便唤来锁匠强行打开丈夫所在房间的门锁,却只看见“房间的正中间横躺着一只死了的墨鱼”。在多和田的作品中,这类将丈夫视为异类的小说还有获得第108届芥川奖的《狗女婿上门》(1993)。这部小说的主人公还是个女性,只是其身份变成了私塾老师,场所则由德国的市镇搬回到了作者度过童年时光的那个集体住宅区。至于故事情节,照例是现实与荒诞交织在一起,描述了一个经营私塾的女教师与一个由狗变成的来历不明的男人发生性关系的过程。在谈到作者在作品中将丈夫描绘成墨鱼或狗等异类的创作背景时,日本文艺评论家川村凑认为,“不仅在小说里,我们在现实中也经常听到这样一种声音,那就是:较之同样是人的配偶者和同居者,与心爱的宠物生活在一起更为愉快,更为轻松……”这位女作家在日本和德语国家还发表了其他一些分别用日语和德语创作的作品,试图借助作品中主人公的种种言行举止来表现异质文化间的冲突和融合。《圣哥达铁路》(1996)最初就是在瑞士用德语发表后被译介到日本去的。在日益国际化的日本社会里,其作品拥有越来越多的读者也是理所当然的。本小辑介绍的《失去脚后跟》译自讲谈社1993年2月版。 In this novel, the protagonist “I ” came to a strange foreign town through a marriage of a file, and although she could really feel the presence of her husband in her new home, she never met even in the dream at night His body is only imagined as a variety of men in his dreams and wake up early in the morning to enjoy the breakfast that her husband has prepared and a few bills - the pocket money of the day. In a heterogeneous cultural atmosphere, “I ” can not communicate with the surrounding, can not communicate with people, neither understand the surrounding people of all colors, nor for them to understand. “I ” feel stripped from the place and relationships, just a lonely existence without backing, just as walking down the waist with the loss of the heel. So “I” decided to change all this and called the locksmith to forcibly open the lock in the room where the husband was, only to see “a dead cuttlefish lying in the middle of the room.” Among his writings, such books as Husband and Wife include the “dog-son-in-law” (No. The protagonist of the novel is still a woman, except that her identity has become a private teacher and the place has been moved back from the German town to the collective residential area where the author spent his childhood. As for the storyline, as usual, the reality is interwoven with the absurdity, describing the process of a female teacher operating a private school having sex with a man of unknown origin who became a dog. Commenting on the author’s portrayal of her husband as a heterogeneous creative background such as cuttlefish or dog, Japanese literary critic Kawamura concludes that not only in the novel, we often hear such a voice in reality That is, it is happier and easier to live with your beloved pet than the same spouse and cohabitant ... “The woman writer also published in Japan and German-speaking countries some other works in Japanese and The works written in German attempt to show the conflicts and merges between different cultures by means of the demeanor of the protagonists in the works. The Gotthard Railway (1996) was originally translated to Japan after its publication in German. In an increasingly internationalized Japanese society, more and more readership is taken for granted. This album introduces the ”lost heels" translated from the Kodansha February 1993 version.
美国人很爱宠物。许多宠物的主人会把这些毛茸茸的朋友当作家庭一员。如果主人赶时髦的话,他们也会给自己的宠物穿上时髦衣服。在一些特殊场合,他们甚 Americans love pets.
建设部以[1997]290号通知发布了《建筑智能化系统工程设计管理暂行规定》,规定共14条。 规定所指的建筑智能化系统工程,是指新建或已建成的建筑群中,增加通信网络、办公自动
在喧闹的都市中,夜生活几乎已成为青年一族必不可少的娱乐方式,但程序员呢?无数的技术难点、频频的交货“死线”、屡屡的 Bug 修改、不时的私活邀请……,这一切彻底剥夺了很
故事作文D2007.1小xiǎo乌wū龟uī的de手shǒu真zhēn巧qiǎo,他tā做zuò的de鞋xié子zi又yòu漂piào亮li n又yòu结jiē实shi耐nài穿chuān。一yì天tiān,小xiǎo马mǎ