凌志车的确不错,在某些方面甚至把有着悠久历史的捷豹都比下去了,但它无论如何也赶不上奔驰。 在凌志的系列中,GS300是最新的一个型号,3.0升6缸发动机,218马力。捷豹和奔驰中与它相对的,是XJ8和E320。XJ8的发动机是3.2升V8,在捷豹发动机中这是最小号的,240马力功率和316牛顿·米扭矩都盖过了GS300。E320不用说,装的是3.2升V6,235马力虽稍逊于捷豹,但比起凌志可太富余
Lexus really good, in some ways even the long history of the Jaguar than the go, but it can not keep up in any case Mercedes-Benz. In the Lexus series, GS300 is the latest model, 3.0-liter six-cylinder engine, 218 horsepower. The opposite of Jaguar and Mercedes is the XJ8 and E320. The XJ8 has a 3.2-liter V8 engine and is the smallest of the Jaguar engines. The GS300 is powered by 240 horsepower and 316 Nm of torque. E320 Needless to say, the 3.2-liter V6, 235 horsepower is slightly less than the Jaguar, but Lexus is too much