近年来,一股建设“数字社区”的热潮在首都北京悄然兴起。数字社区也叫社区数字商务,它主要是以成片的社区为服务对象,依托数字化网络平台,为丰富社区内居民物质和精神生活而建立的一类特殊的网站。相比一般的网站,数字社区最大的特点在于它的“社区性”和“公益性”:社区性是指数字社区的服务对象明确定位为某个特定的社区;公益性是指相对商业网站,数字社区不以赢利为目的。 数字社区这类特色网站之所以能异军突起,是有其一定必然性的。以“回龙观数字社区”为例,该网站是由北京回龙观社区的居民自发创建、专门为该社区居民服务的一个公益网站。界面制作精美、功能丰富,在众多数字社区中颇具代表意义。分析以下它的成因,不难发现主要有以下几条:
In recent years, an upsurge of building a “digital community” has quietly risen in the capital city of Beijing. Digital community, also known as community digital commerce, is a special type of website built on the basis of a digital community to enrich the material and spiritual life of residents in the community. Compared with the average website, the biggest characteristic of the digital community lies in its “community” and “public welfare”: Community refers to the digital community’s service targets clearly defined as a particular community; public welfare refers to the relative commercial website, The digital community is not for profit. There are certain inevitability of the emergence of such unique websites as digital communities. Take “Huilongguan Digital Community” as an example, this website is a public service website created by residents of Huilongguan Community in Beijing and dedicated to serving residents in this community. The interface is beautifully crafted and feature-rich, and represents a significant part of the digital community. Analysis of the following causes of it, not difficult to find the following major: