【摘 要】
In the distant Jurassic era, dinosaurs fiercely fight for the battleground. In the deep underwater world, sharks and lobsters swim among the plants ... This is a miniature landscape displayed under the transparent floor of the Primary Science and Technology Museum of Chuxiong Teachers College. Several primary school children lying on the floor relish admired, and even made a brain hole to a dinosaur legend. In the school science and technology museum, the students saw far more than that, as well as astronomical, geographical, physical, biological and other aspects of the experimental equipment open to the students hands-on learning. The theme of the campus science and technology museum with the theme of “exploring the mysteries of science and flying the science and technology dreams” consists of indoor “campus science and technology museum” and outdoor
Laboratory and industrial studies were carried out to investigate non-metallic inclusions in high strength alloy steel refined by high basicity and high Al_2O_3
Internet好是好,但是咱这些COMPUTER FAN们玩得起吗?即使偶而一玩也需一些省钱妙招。
The Internet is good, but can we afford these COMPUTER FANs? Even spending a for
南京军区南京总医院和海军总医院经近 2 0年的努力 ,对顽固性癫采用外科治疗手段 ,如脑皮质切除术、颞前叶切除术、大脑半球切除术、胼胝体切开术、多处软脑膜下横纤维切断
1临床资料1.1一般资料本组48例其中男28例,女20例,年龄20-78岁,平均54岁,高血压病史者32例,妊娠分娩时发病1例,动静脉畸形3例,外伤性脑室出血8例,动脉瘤3例,烟雾病1例。1.2临床表现头痛 12例,呕吐 40例,抽搐 10例,意识障碍39
<正> 1.实践方法 邓小平指出,改革开放要“大胆地试,大胆地闯”。所谓“大胆地试,大胆地闯”,就是勇于试验、勇于探索、勇于实践,当然,这里有两点值得注意:一是要看得准,即要调查研究,弄清情况,不是盲目实践,瞎闯蛮干;二是要不断总结经验,对的就坚持,不对的赶快改,新问题一出来就抓紧解决。
Ideological and political work is also a management art, and its different ways and means