新生儿硬肿症是指新生儿时期由多种原因引起的皮肤和皮下脂肪变硬和水肿,常伴有低体温和不同程度微血管循环障碍[1].其中弥漫性血管内凝血(d issem inated intravascular coagulation,D IC)是新生儿硬肿症常见的合并症,也是造成死亡的主要原因。因此,积极防治D IC是减少新生儿
Neonatal scleredema refers to the hardening and edema of the skin and subcutaneous fat caused by various reasons during the neonatal period, and is often accompanied by hypothermia and varying degrees of microcirculatory disturbances.1 Of these, diffuse intravascular coagulation Intravascular coagulation, D IC) is a common complication of neonatal sclerema and is the leading cause of death. Therefore, active prevention and treatment of IC is to reduce newborns