一、引言 环境是我们人类赖以生存的基本条件,保护环境其实就是保护我们人类自己。在当今环境污染和生态破坏严重的状况下,人类的生存和生活空间日益狭窄。自古道:民以食为天。由于环境遭受破坏加上化肥农药的滥施滥用,市民对市场上的蔬菜水果的卫生问题极不放心,对经常报道的食物中毒事件心有余悸。许多人喜食野菜,野菜给人们一种回归大自然怀抱的感觉。一些野菜就这样端上了餐桌,成了新潮的“美味佳肴”。 野菜为粗纤维食品,经实践证明,它们具有丰富的人体所需的
First, the introduction of the environment is the basic conditions for our human survival, the protection of the environment is actually protecting ourselves. Under today’s serious environmental pollution and ecological damage, human beings have a narrower space for living and living. Since ancient times: people eat the sun. Due to the destruction of the environment and the abuse of chemical fertilizers and pesticides, the public is extremely unsure about the hygiene of vegetables and fruits on the market and lingering fear of frequently reported food poisoning incidents. Many people like to eat wild vegetables, wild plants give people a feeling of return to the embrace of nature. Some wild herbs so end up on the table, became a trendy “delicacy.” Wild herbs are crude fiber foods, which have been proved to be rich in human needs