Long long ago, there lived a king.He was very fond of new clothes. He spentall his money to get them. He wanted tochange new coat for every hour of the day.Two cheaters knew about the king' shobby and
“谁言寸草心,报得三春晖!”母爱,如同温暖和煦的阳光,照亮我们的心房。在这个感恩母亲的节日里,赶紧行动起来,给母亲送上最特别的关爱吧! Mother’s Day is a holiday to honor mothers. People in different countries celebrate Mother’s Day on the second Sunday in May. The
有一只名叫Jolly的可爱兔子,总是开开心心的。他在春天赏花,在夏天听雨,在秋天收集落叶,在冬天睡觉。他用心地感受着四季的美好。Let’s read the story. I am a Bunny. My name is Jolly. I live in a hollow tree. In spring, I like to watch flowers. Red flowers, pin
阅读提示 小熊和小老虎是好朋友,他们住在森林里。冬天到了,小熊在家冬眠,小老虎来找小熊一起滑雪橇。可是小熊不会滑雪橇,而且他感觉很害怕,小老虎鼓励小熊要努力尝试。小熊最后会滑雪橇了吗?Let's read the story. Tiger and Bear are good friends. They live in a forest. In winter, Bear hibenates
每年5月的第二个星期日(the second Sunday of May)是母亲节(Mother’s Day)。对于玩具大家庭来说,小主人爱丽丝(Alice)就像他们的母亲一样,玩具们正在给爱丽丝准备节日礼物。他们准备了什么惊喜? Pinocchio:Alice,這里有许多礼物,不知道是给谁的。 Alice:想知道物品的主人,可以用“whose”来询问。如果是单数可以问:“Whose+物品+i
“过年啦!”动物城里张灯结彩,一派欢乐祥和的气氛。为了让大家能够开开心心过大年,Judy警官工作得更加投入了,哪里人多哪里就有她的身影。瞧,她来了! 买年货 Lion:新年新气象,我想买些鲜花装饰房间。 Judy:市长,您想买多少鲜花呢? Lion:我们用How many来询问数量,但千万要记住,How many后面一定接名词的复数形式。 Nick:那我们怎么询问价钱呢? Lion:我