上海 以创新促管理

来源 :中国宗教 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:dingzanzan
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进入新世纪以来,伴随着改革开放的不断深入,法治化进程的不断加快,社会结构、利益格局、思想观念都在发生深刻变化,宗教工作也面临着新的形势与任务,面临着新的机遇和挑战。为此,上海市民宗委以中央和市委关于宗教工作的方针政策为指导,以宗教工作法治化、规范化建设为抓手,结合上海实际不断开拓创新,通过创新宗教管理方式,促进宗教工作的全面深入发展。 Since the beginning of the new century, along with the deepening of reform and opening up and the accelerating process of the rule of law, profound changes have taken place in social structure, interest patterns and ideological concepts. Religious work is also facing new situations and tasks and is facing new opportunities. And challenge. To this end, Shanghai Citizens’ Committee, guided by the guidelines and policies on religious work of the Central Government and Municipal Party Committee, guided by the rule of law and standardization of religious work, continuously explored and innovated with the actual Shanghai and promoted the religious work through innovative religious management Comprehensive and in-depth development.