海水养殖业曾经在海南沿海繁荣一时,尤其是在海南岛东南部,拥有全国最大的对虾种苗繁育基地,国家863计划对虾种苗高科技项目在这里落户,更加使得这一地区名声大噪。但是,繁荣过后, 过度开发的恶果逐渐显现,植物枯死、海水倒灌、水井咸涩,耕地碱化、健康恶化……这一地区的农民陷入生存恐慌。当地政府认为这是农民“自作自受”,然而,农民却把这一后果与政府长期以来疏于管理,甚至不作为联系起来。
The mariculture industry once flourished along the coast of Hainan, especially in the southeastern part of Hainan Island. It has the largest shrimp seedling breeding base in the country. The project of high-tech project of national 863 plan shrimp seed settles here, making the area even more famous. However, after the prosperity, the consequences of over-exploitation have gradually become apparent. The plants are dead, the sea water is inundated, the wells are salty, the cultivated land is alkalinized and the health is deteriorated. The peasants in this area are caught in panic. The local government considered this a “self-inflicted” on the part of peasants. However, peasants linked this with the government’s negligence or even neglect.