If Lynx and Jingdong wholesale way to talk to me, I will certainly refuse. At the beginning they will give you more benefits and subsidies, but after the intervention, their cost stripping than Wal-Mart, Carrefour even worse. At present, the retail environment has undergone great changes and has begun to affect our product organizations. The performance is manifested in three aspects: 1. There is a small increase in the category of supermarkets in convenience stores and a large drop in categories, which has affected the manufacturers’ marketing strategies. Procter & Gamble, for example, has made adjustments to its deep distribution strategy that has operated for many years. Many companies due to decline in performance, reducing the investment in the market. 2. Terminal market downturn, the overall dealer team caught in dire straits, financial constraints, more cautious on the new brand, and some dealers have gradually begun to withdraw.