以雕塑为主体的大型纪念性综合体的出现 和发展 在人类文明史上,古代艺术家已多次很有经验地综合运用包括建筑、雕塑、绘画等多种艺术手段,创造出诸如雅典卫城、圣彼得大教堂、凡尔赛宫、天坛等艺术精品,使这些人文环境空间传达出更多的观念和意图,更富感人的艺术魅力。然而,这些艺术综合体都是由建筑唱主角,作为具有压倒优势的主体。而以雕塑为主体的纪念性艺术综合体,则是在第二次世界大战以后出现的。从数量,尤其从规模上看,首推前苏联。 40年代末的建于德国柏林的苏军烈士陵园可以说是第一座成功的,以雕塑为主的纪念性艺术综合体。它把13米高的象征性战士雕像、两座战士跪像、母亲雕像、十块浮雕与基座建筑(烈士名册厅)、陵园门、旗门等建筑和高大的绿化带有机综合成为一个整体,营造出凝重深沉的纪念性氛围。
The emergence and development of a large memorial complex mainly composed of sculptures In the history of human civilization, ancient artists have used many artistic means including architecture, sculpture, painting and many other experiences with great experience to create such works as the Acropolis, Peter’s Basilica, the Versailles Palace, the Temple of Heaven and other fine arts, so that these humanities and environmental space to convey more ideas and intentions, more touching artistic charm. However, all of these art complexes are played by architectural protagonists as overwhelming subjects. The monumental art complex mainly composed of sculptures appeared after World War II. From the quantity, especially from the scale point of view, devaluation of the former Soviet Union. The Soviet martyrs cemetery built in Berlin in Germany in the late 1940s can be said to be the first successful memorial art complex dominated by sculpture. It combines the 13-meter-high symbolic warrior statues, the kneeling knees of two warriors, the mother statues, ten reliefs and pedestal buildings (Martyrs’ Memorial Hall), the cemetery gates, the flag gates and other buildings with tall green belts into an organic whole , To create a dignified deep memorial atmosphere.