保护民族文化遗产 维护文化多样性

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今天,全球化已经形成世界潮流,其推进速度之快、影响之广,超出了人们的预期和想象。一些拥有经济竞争、技术竞争、资本运作强势和话语霸权的国家和民族,影响着全球化的进程和方向。特别是伴随着传媒技术的发展与普及、市场化进程的加快、旅游业的升温,带有明确“现代性”特征的商品、货币、图像、技术、知识和思想等在全世界迅速扩散,致使人们在接受新知识、追求现代化的过程中,不自觉地渐渐疏离了滋养他们的民族文化和优良传统。对于我国民族地区而言,特别是随着经济快速发展、城市化进程加快,使少数民族在非常短的时期内,生活空间从封闭走向开放。人们在如饥似渴地接受新事物,进入新时代,融入新生活 Today, globalization has become a global trend, and its promotion has been rapid and has a great impact beyond the expectations and imagination of the people. Some countries and nations that have economic competition, technological competition, strong capital operation and discourse hegemony influence the course and direction of globalization. Especially with the development and popularization of media technology, the acceleration of marketization and the warming of tourism, the rapid proliferation of commodities, currencies, images, technologies, knowledge and ideas with the characteristic of “modernity” clearly spread throughout the world As a result, people unconsciously gradually eschewed the national culture and fine traditions that nourished them in accepting new knowledge and pursuing modernization. As for the ethnic areas in our country, especially with the rapid economic development, the process of urbanization has accelerated, enabling the ethnic minorities to move from being closed to opening up in a very short period of time. People are eager to accept new things, into a new era, into a new life
谒方孝孺墓  泱漭柏封茔,长烟月不明。  忽惊危叶坠,疑是饿鸱鸣。  戈变皆成篡,国殇新废桢。  徘徊劳梦想,星斗堕荒楹。  岁暮有怀  通书信手翻,晚暮欲何言。  雪后梅花句,春前绿酎尊。  优游聊卒岁,黾勉绝嚣喧。  素履当珍重,天寒月出轩。  火 山  昼夜镬汤沸,洪炉兀混茫。  倾浓琥珀,焰褪冷铅霜。  不遣商霖助,唯禁飞鸟翔。  阴阳余炭,烟海自摧戕。  春 望  春风台望,江城入画遥。