爱国主义是一面旗帜,是中华民族共同的精神支柱,也是实现中华腾飞的最主要的思想基础和强大动力。邓小平同志早在1980年就指出“必须发扬爱国主义精神,提高民族自尊心和民族的自信心。否则我们就不可能建设社会主义,就会被种种资本主义势力所侵蚀腐化。”1991年3月,江泽民总书记发出在青少年和儿童中加强近、现代史和国情教育的重要指示。 十年来,我校始终把德育工作放在首位,在实践中形成了自己的教育特色。即:坚持一个原则(思想领
Patriotism is a banner and is the common spiritual pillar of the Chinese nation. It is also the most important ideological foundation and powerful driving force for China’s rapid development. As early as 1980, Comrade Deng Xiaoping pointed out that “we must promote the spirit of patriotism, increase national self-esteem and national self-confidence. Otherwise, we will not be able to build socialism and will be eroded by all kinds of capitalist forces.” March 1991, General Secretary Jiang Zemin issued important instructions to strengthen the education of recent and modern history and national conditions among young people and children. In the past ten years, our school has always put moral education in the first place and has formed its own education characteristics in practice. That is: adhere to a principle (ideas