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据西方刊物报道,美国道氏塑料公司和索卢蒂亚公司最近决定建立全球性战略联盟,以发展耐纶66在注射模塑工程塑料市场的应用. According to Western publications, US Dow Plastics and Solutia recently decided to establish a global strategic alliance to develop the application of nylon 66 in the injection molding engineering plastics market.
1998年韩国总的乙烯产量已超过510万吨,大大高于1997年446万吨的纪录,创造了历史最高水平. In 1998, South Korea’s total ethylene production exceeded 5.1 million tons
据了解,抚顺石化与吉化区域联合战略已于最近启动. It is understood that the joint strategy of Fushun Petrochemical and the Jilin region has recently started.
德国化学和生物科学集团赫司特股份公司最近说,公司监事会将在一周内就拟议中的与法国罗纳-布朗克公司的合并作出最终决定. Hirst AG, the German chemical and biological
1998年底,齐鲁石化股份有限公司被山东省科委正式认定为国家高新技术产业开发区内的高新技术企业. At the end of 1998, Qilu Petrochemical Co., Ltd. was officially reco
据对全国36个重点城市监控,今年3月下旬化工市场主要产品行情如下: According to the monitoring of 36 key cities across the country, the main products of the chemica
据此间媒体报道,由于亚洲地区一些石化大厂岁修时间将持续到6月底,因此石化原料的供应将更加吃紧. According to media reports here, as some petrochemical giants in Asi
我国第二套年产1.2万吨三聚氰胺项目最近在四川成都动工兴建. China’s second annual output of 12,000 tons of melamine project was recently built in Chengdu, Sichua
4月初上海地区聚丙烯价格基本 Polypropylene prices in Shanghai in early April
年初以来,日本市场上应用于食品包装的聚丙烯薄膜市场价格下跌. Since the beginning of the year, the market price of polypropylene film used in food packaging in Ja