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在表达对人性的道德约束上,宗教与艺术从来不曾泾渭分明。在流传至今的各种绢画、卷轴、石刻造像,以及各种版本的劝善书《玉历宝钞》中保留下来的十王图的画面构成大有可考之处。在十王信仰传播流布的过程中,十王图像在视觉形式上又发挥了怎样的效用?其所带来的视觉感官震撼在某种层次上甚至超越了释道宗教文本的教化功能。十王图通过以画面构图上重现了现实中的行政体制,包括官衙与行刑场景的方式向观者传递精神制约力量,在《玉历宝钞》中较文本而言以更直接的视觉生理刺激高效地对善信们传递导人向善的教义,与文字配合参与了社会底层道德秩序的维护,进而推进了佛教世俗化的进程。不同时代的物质发展水准决定了当时信息传播的方式与效率,在雕像、壁画、绢、帛、纸等媒介的不断推陈出新的基础上,思想跟随各种载体传播到了大街小巷。在其传播的路径中,图像与文字各自起到了不同的功能, In expressing moral restraints on human nature, religion and art have never been completely different. The pictures of the Ten Kings retained in various silk scrolls, scrolls, statues of stone carvings, and persuasive books of various types that have been circulating so far have constituted a great test. In the process of spreading and spreading the belief and belief of King Shih-king, what role does the image of the King of Ten play in the visual form? The visual sensory shock brought by it surpasses the enlightenment function of religious texts at some level. King Shi Tuo passed on the composition of the screen to reproduce the reality of the administrative system, including the official court and execution scene way to pass the spirit of restraint to the audience in the “Jade Calendar” more text than in terms of more direct visual physiology Stimulating the doctrine of good faith being delivered to good people with good faith, and the cooperation with writing, participated in the maintenance of the moral order at the bottom of the society, thus further promoting the process of secularization of Buddhism. The material development of different ages determines the mode and efficiency of information dissemination at that time. Based on the continuous innovation of the media such as statues, murals, silk, silk and paper, ideology follows various carriers and spreads to the streets. In its path of transmission, images and texts each play a different role,
【正】 从第八期"文物参考资料"上读了张开友的"铜镜"一文,初读就觉得很熟,翻阅了一下有关铜镜的书,发现这篇文章从头到尾都是从朱瑜编"铜镜的故事"(上海四联出版社)和上海博