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由于信息技术自身的学科特点以及信息技术教学环境等多方面的影响,当前信息技术课堂教学的实效性很低,因此需要创新头脑,创设合理的教学情境,优化课堂教学环境,激发学生的学习兴趣,改变课堂策略,尊重和感化学生,以此引导学生积极参与课堂教学,从而提高信息技术课堂教学效果。主要针对初中信息技术课堂教学活动中常见的一些问题,分别从创设情境、贴近生活、民主和谐的教学气氛以及利用信息技术的特有“技术”等方面谈谈信息技术课堂教学的有效性对策。 Due to the characteristics of information technology and the teaching environment of information technology, the effectiveness of the current information technology classroom teaching is very low. Therefore, it is necessary to innovate the mind, create a reasonable teaching situation, optimize the classroom teaching environment and stimulate students’ interest in learning , Change the classroom strategy, respect and influence students, in order to guide students to actively participate in classroom teaching, thereby enhancing the effectiveness of information technology classroom teaching. Mainly for the junior high school information technology classroom teaching activities of some common problems, respectively from the creation of context, close to life, democratic and harmonious teaching atmosphere and the use of information technology unique “technology ” and other aspects of information technology classroom teaching effectiveness measures .
夜深,人静,唯有雨,不停歇地,轻轻地叩击着窗户。奋笔疾书的我,终于被它吸引,慢慢抬起头,循着这声音向窗外望去。  窗外,只有一望无际的黑暗和点点光影,雨仍在不住地敲击着,在这静谧的冬夜,我也只听得见这“啪嗒啪嗒”声。  “好雨知时节,当春乃发生。随风潜入夜,润物细无声。”我蓦地想起这几句诗,如此聒噪的雨,真的和春雨有别呢。难道是春未至,它先临,等不及的雨变得焦躁不安了吗?我仿佛听见它在一遍又一遍地