侧光式LED背光单元(BLU)功率要求由于功耗较低、使用寿命较长,发光二极管(LED)正在稳步地替代古老的冷阴极荧光灯(CCFL),用作液晶显示(LCD)电视的背光源。为了给大尺寸LCD TV提供充足的亮度,背光照明需要大量串联或并联的LED阵列。鉴于LED的颗数和LED的串数可以减少,如今侧光式(edge-lit)背光照明变得更加流行。在侧光式背光照明中,需要高效
Side-lit LED BLU Power Requirements Light-Emitting Diodes (LEDs) are steadily replacing old CCFLs for backlighting LCD TVs due to their lower power consumption and longer life. source. To provide sufficient brightness for large-size LCD TVs, backlighting requires a large number of LED arrays in series or in parallel. Nowadays, edge-lit backlighting has become more popular given the reduced number of LEDs and the number of LED strings. In side-lit backlighting, high efficiency is required