吴家庄果园1994年栽植的1.3hm2密植大樱桃,行距4m,株距25m,共计1320株,成活率100%。现把主要栽培措施介绍如下:1 园地选择 应选择土壤比较肥沃,土层较深厚,有机质含量高,中性(pH值65~75)土,透气性好的砂壤土最好。排水良好,并有水浇条件。2 品种安排 本园主栽品种为
Orchard 1994 planting 1.3hm2 close planting cherry, row spacing 4m, spacing 25m, a total of 1320 strains, the survival rate of 100%. The main cultivation measures are introduced as follows: 1 garden selection should choose more fertile soil, deeper soil layers, high organic matter content, neutral (pH 65 ~ 75) soil, good permeability of sandy loam is best. Good drainage, and water conditions. 2 varieties of the main varieties of the park