类风湿关节炎( RA)属中医痹症范畴,在现代医学研究,RA属于自身免疫性疾病,确切病因尚未明确,病理学改变分为基本病变和各器官病变;西医治疗基本参照指南,中医治疗 RA,根据不同的发病机制和症型,以中医的整体观念为依据进行辨证论治,结合西医治疗能够取得较好疗效。由于RA的基础研究相对薄弱,作用机制也未明确,也没有完全符合该病的动物模型,需进一步搞好基础研究,建立适当的病症契合的RA动物模型,筛选组方,完善基础理论研究。“,”Rheumatoid arthritis(RA),belongs to poliomyelitis category of traditional Chinese medicine ( TCM) ,and in the modern medical research,RA is a type of autoimmune diseases,though the exact cause is not yet clear,the pathologic changes are divided into basic pathological changes and organ lesions.As for the treatment,western medicine usually refers to the guidance,while TCM looks to the different pathogenesis and manifestations,and give dialectical typing and treatment on the basis of the overall concept in TCM ,it′s con-sidered that combined treatment of TCM with western medicine may achieve better curative effect .Because the basic research of RA is weak,the mechanisms are not clear,and there is no animal model fully consistent with the disease,the basic research should be further improved,animal models of RA should be established, formula should be screened,to solidify the theoretic basis.