近年来,国外对不孕症的系统诊断法和治疗进展很快,过去被认为不可能妊娠的病例已可治愈,使不孕夫妇有了希望。根据国际妇产科联盟规定,正常夫妇生活,两年内未妊娠者为不孕症。本文仅就不孕症的诊断方法综述如下:一、系统检查方法(一)问诊及全身一般检查(二)基础体温(BBT)测定:对推断有无排卵、排卵时期、黄体功能等有一定价值,松本将 BBT 分为七型(图1),Ⅰ、Ⅱ型高温相持续10日以上,双相温差>0.3℃,高温相波动不明显,月经开始日体温下降。
In recent years, the foreign system of infertility diagnosis and treatment of very rapid progress in the past was considered impossible cases of pregnancy have been cured, so infertile couples have hope. According to the International Union of Obstetrics and Gynecology regulations, the normal life of a couple, two years of non-pregnancy as infertility. This article only on the diagnosis of infertility are summarized as follows: First, the system test methods (A) the general examination and general examination (B) Basal body temperature (BBT) determination: to infer whether ovulation, ovulation, luteal function have a certain The value of Matsumoto BBT is divided into seven types (Figure 1), Ⅰ, Ⅱ high temperature phase lasts more than 10 days, two-phase temperature difference> 0.3 ℃, high temperature phase fluctuations are not obvious, the beginning of the body temperature drops.