目前,段(班)务公开已成为铁路基层单位职工的热门话题。经笔者了解,不少单位的职工对段务公开有“四盼”。 一盼段务公开不讲形式讲实效。职工们不反对必要的形式,但坚决反对走过场。如果只讲形式,不讲实效,表面上虚张声势,依葫芦画瓢,实则按以往模式,换汤不换药,这种段务公开就失去了本身的实际意义。必须以段务
At present, the segment (class) affairs openly has become a hot topic for railway grass-roots units of workers. The author understands that many units of workers open paragraph on the “four expectations.” I hope an open paragraph does not speak the form of public talk about effectiveness. Workers are not opposed to the necessary forms, but firmly oppose the procession. If we only talk about the form and the unrealistic effect, and on the surface bluffing and relying on the gourd to draw on the calabash, we can actually change the way it is based on the previous model and lose its practical significance. Must be paragraph service