旱地冬小麦周年覆膜栽培技术,是甘肃省农科院镇原试验站研究成功的一项冬小麦栽培新技术。它是将夏休闲期覆膜抑蒸保墒与冬小麦全生育期地膜覆盖穴播技术有机结合起来,其技术核心是:麦收后遇雨深耕→足额施肥→起垄覆膜→秋季人力穴播。 我县 1999年秋播前引进该项技术,
Winter wheat annual dry film mulching cultivation technology, is the Gansu Academy of Agricultural Sciences Zhenyuan Experimental Station successfully studied a new winter wheat cultivation technology. It is the summer leisure film mulch steaming and winter wheat during the whole growth period mulching mulching technology, the core of its technology is: after the wheat harvest rain deep plowing → full application of fertilizer → Ridge film → autumn manpower broadcast. The county introduced the technology before the autumn of 1999,