1999年1月27日9时30分,广西玉林市中级人民法院作出一审判决:依法判处该市原市委书记、人称“广西第一贪”的李乘龙死刑。 李乘龙一案是1月6日至8日由玉林市中级人民法院公开审理的。公诉机关玉林市人民检察院指控原县级玉林市市委书记(捕前调任贵港市任副市长,副厅级)李乘龙在几年任职中,接受他人贿赂及拥有不能说明来源的巨额财产共计1600万余元,为建国以来广西最大的贪官。 李乘龙在法庭上陈述:他从一个农村放牛娃,无钱无势无背景,全凭自己的勤勉和努力,24岁就当上了共青团玉林地委副书记,39岁就当上玉林市委书记。但今日在众目睽睽之下,他的双腿发抖 1月6日,李乘龙终于被押上玉林市中级人民法院的审判庭。曾是玉林市一市之尊的他坐到了被告席上。 公诉机关玉林市人民检察院称:现年46岁的李乘龙1991年至1996在任玉林市市委书记期间,利用职务之便为他人谋取利益,前后多次收取贿赂款共计人民币370余万元、美金2.5万元、港币1万元、吉普车一辆,其行为已构成受贿罪。
At 9:30 on January 27, 1999, Yulin Intermediate People’s Court of Guangxi made the judgment of first instance: According to the law, Li Xiaolong, the former party secretary of the city, was sentenced to death as “the first greed in Guangxi”. Li Chenglong’s case was heard publicly by Yulin Intermediate People’s Court from January 6 to January 8. Public Prosecution Service Yulin People’s Procuratorate accused the former county Yulin city party secretary (formerly transferred to capture Guigang City, deputy mayor, deputy departmental level) Li Chenglong served a few years, accepting bribes and possession of a huge amount of property can not explain the source 16 million yuan, Guangxi’s largest corrupt officials since the founding of the People’s Republic. Li Chenglong said in court: he put cattle from a rural area, no money and no background, with their own diligence and hard work, 24-year-old went to the Communist Youth League Yulin deputy party secretary, 39-year-old to be Yulin Party Secretary. Today, however, his legs trembled under the watchful eyes of many people. On January 6, Lee was dragged to the trial court of the Intermediate People’s Court of Yulin City. He was Yulin City, a statue of the supreme court, he sat in the dock. Prosecutor Yulin People’s Procuratorate said: 46-year-old Lee from the dragon 1991 to 1996 during the appointment of Yulin city party secretary, the use of his position for the benefit of others, before and after several bribes collected a total of more than 370 million yuan, 25,000 US dollars , Hong Kong dollar 10,000 yuan, a jeep, its behavior has constituted a bribery.