山东省东平县是传统农业大县,耕地面积69 333hm~2,常年病虫害达发生程度以上的有100多种,发生面积近500 000hm~2。近年来,东平县高度重视农作物病虫害统防统治工作,加强植保专业化防治组织建设,成立了以乡镇、村、专业合作社或农资经营单位等为基础的植保专业防治队40余支,有防治队员800多名,年统防统治面积300 000hm~2以上,达病虫防治面积的60%以上。
Dongping County, Shandong Province, is a traditional agricultural county with a cultivated area of 69,333hm ~ 2 and over 100 perennial pests and diseases with an area of nearly 500,000hm ~ 2. In recent years, Dongping County attaches great importance to the prevention and control of crop pests and diseases, strengthened the construction of specialized plant protection organizations, and set up more than 40 plant prevention and control teams based on townships, villages, specialized cooperatives or agricultural management units, More than 800 members, annual anti-governance area of 300 000hm ~ 2 or more, up to 60% of pest control area.