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从六十年代后期起,随着学生、工人运动高涨,在西方几个电影大国出现了“政治电影”热。许多导演放弃了传统方法,以政论与纪实风格拍摄了大量反映那一时期国际上政治、经济、外交斗争以及暗杀、绑架、讹诈、贿赂等事件的政治片,例如《马占依案件》、《警察局长的自白》、《总统班底》、《豺狼的日子》等,它们引起了巨大反响,在国际电影节上连连获奖。政治片的势头一直延续到八十年代,形成了政治惊险片、政治侦探片、政治警匪片、政治问题片等许多分支,至今久映不衰。在追溯近代国际电影这一重要流派的历史时,不能不提到法国导演柯斯塔—加米拉斯的《Z》。该片是公认的电影典范作品,该导演也是公认的政治电影鼻祖。《Z》的摄制年份——一九六八年被电影史学家们认为是“世界政治电影重新涌现的决定性的一年”。 Since the late 1960s, with the rise of students and workers, “political films” have emerged in several movie powers in the west. Many directors abandoned the traditional approach of photographing in political and documentary style a large number of political films that reflected the international political, economic and diplomatic struggles during that period as well as assassinations, kidnappings, blackmail and bribery, such as “Ma Zhanyi case,” “ Police director confession ”,“ presidential class ”,“ jackal days ”, etc., they caused a huge repercussions, won awards at the International Film Festival. The momentum of the political films has been extended to the 1980s, forming many branches of political thrillers, political detective films, political gangster films and political issues and so far. In retrospect of the history of this important genre of modern international cinema, one can not fail to mention the “Z” of French director Costa-Camillas. The film is recognized as a model film, the director is also recognized as the originator of political films. Year of “Z” Filming - 1968 was considered by film historians as “a decisive year for the resurgence of world political films.”
The property of silicon micro-capacitive accelerometer is analyzed and discussed by establishing the model of the sensor,to lay a basis for optimization design
AC'97将提高PC音频性能CirrusLogic东北亚区音频产品部林奂祥经理PC产业对音频及音质的日益重视将改变目前及未来的PC。相继出现的音频编程界面如DirectSound、 DirectSound 3D及MIDI波形表合成,以及新出现的音频解... AC’97
记者:请问你对贵厂1988年电影创作的基本评价? 张笑天(长春电影制片厂副厂长):1988年是我厂沿着前几年电影创作生产的道路继续走的一年。总的来说,质量稳步上升,在经济困难
Remarkable improvement in efficiency and stability has been observed in a doped organic electroluminescence device, which consists of a hole-transport layer, an